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4 Properties
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Bj Feller
(773) 727-4285
Build to suit
Near major nationals
Strategically located
Freeway close
Dense 200M+ pop 5 mi
Top 100 MSA
Long operation history
Long 10+ yr lease
Traded and rated company
Corporate Guarantee
DaVita Inc. (NYSE: DVA) is one of the largest dialysis providers in the United States. Their U.S. dialysis and related lab services business treats patients with chronic kidney failure, ESKD, in the United States, and is their largest line of business. DaVita’s platform to deliver kidney care services also includes established nephrology and payor relationships. The company was founded in 1979 as Medical Ambulatory Care, Inc., a subsidiary of National Medical Enterprises, Inc. (now Tenet Healthcare). As of December 31, 2023, the Company operated or provided administrative services through a network of 2,675 U.S. outpatient dialysis centers in 46 states and the District of Columbia, serving a total of approximately 200,800 patients. In addition, the company operated or provided administrative services to a total of 367 outpatient dialysis centers serving approximately 49,400 patients located in 11 countries outside of the U.S. The company’s 2023 market cap was $9.56B, and its 2023 reported revenue was $11.6B. DaVita is now headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
Klinton Lewis
(512) 819-4729
Recent building upgrades
Highway location
Hospital close
Income tax free state
Kyle Carson
(248) 419-3627
Roof guarantee
Recently extended lease
Deno Bistolarides
(248) 702-0288
Brandon Hanna
(248) 702-0290
In location for years
Favorable NN+ lease
Address: 929 Alton Road, Suite 500Miami Beach, FL 33139
Telephone: (305) 977-7700
E-mail: [email protected]